Monday, 3 September 2012


  1. Get a normal night’s sleep before the examination date
  2. Reach exam centre early and relax or discuss with close friends
  3. Read the question  paper and the instructions thoroughly.  Mark  the  questions  which you find you can answer.
  4. Ask the invigilator for clarifications, if any.
  5. Make a rough time scheme and decide how much time you should  allot to each question.
  6. Leave 15 minutes at the end to review the answers and make corrections, as needed.
  7. Before you start on any particular question, make sure you understand it/interpret it correctly.
  8. Answer the easiest and shortest question first.
  9. Answers should be brief and conforming to what is asked in the question.
  10.  Clearly understand the difference between the usages Define, Distinguish, Compare,  List, Enumerate, Explain, Write short notes on, Differentiate, Sketch and explain etc.
  11. If you get stuck up , proceed to the next question and come back at the end if there is time.
  12. Leave a margin of 3 cm at the left side of the answer sheet, if there is no printed  margin.
  13. Mark the question numbers clearly in the left margin.
  14. ORGANISE YOUR ANSWER SHEET: write legibly; use reasonably large size letters; don’t cram; space the lines reasonably apart; use a lined sheet below the answer sheet to ensure steady writing; use pen or dot pen with reasonably thick writing point; use blue black ink; do not use washable ink; use pencil and instruments for drawing figures, tables etc.
  15. Indicate your numerical answers clearly and with proper units
  16. Eg.  Maximum stress = 23000 kN/mm2 …. Ans
  17. Re-read your paper and make corrections, if needed, before you hand over the paper.
  18. Never do any post mortem on examination till the last exam is over. Go home and prepare for   the next examination.

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